Local Contacts
The following local therapists and practitioners can offer treatments and courses which complement your yoga practice. They also work with pregnant and postnatal women, and some may treat your baby too.
Louise Hutchings, KG Hypnobirthing teacher and British Wheel of Yoga teacher
07986 099683
Leanne Lawrence, Hypnobirthing & Antenatal Classes
Brighter Birthing
Miswell Lane, Tring
Pregnancy massage and Reflexology
Ali Cooper
Beauty by Ali
01442 269051
5 Alston Road, Boxmoor, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 1QT
Acupuncture and Massage
Karen Coghlan, Dip AC, RM
Acupuncture & Massage
Boxmoor, Hemel Hempstead
07799 361939

Apple Tree Osteopaths
Specialists in women’s health, and cranial and paediatric osteopathy
tel: 07970 807625
Chesham House, Church Lane, Berkhamsted HP4 2AX
Jack Stow, Doctor of Chiropractic
Jack the Back
01442 927070 or 07813 986655
Sarah Alexander, Registered Craniosacral Therapist (RCST) and Teacher of Alexander Technique, MSTAT
Studio based in Boxmoor, Hemel Hempstead.
Yoga Therapy
Abha Asthana, CNHC registered Yoga Therapist and British Wheel of Yoga teacher
Personal Trainer and Nutrition
Laura Fernandez Alonso, Elite Specialist Personal Trainer and Nutrition Specialist