New and updated summer events list!
Here is some news about what I'm up to this summer! First of all, THANK YOU to those who contributed to the Ukrainian Crowdfunder. I can...
New and updated summer events list!
Once Upon a Time, You... or один раз колись ти…
Crystals and Chakras and whatnot
Yoga and Book events this summer!
What to say at the SEND Information Fayre
The freedom of self-publishing
Ukraine virtual raffle prize donors
Intuitive magic and er... pregnancy yoga
Build your own Vinyasa
Translating fairy stories and lifelong learning
Yoga and mental health
Start by bending over and picking up your dog poo
The philosophy of wiping mats
Children's Mental Health Week 2022
Seven years and not itching yet
Inclusivity in children's picture books
First blog post on new website!